Saturday, 5 December 2009

A Little Disappointed

Well Ladies and Gents, I have to say that I was a little disappointed with todays fayre.

We were be far the best stall on the Christmas Fayre, ( I know this because a council inspector said so!), but myself and KT couldn't get the interest going as much as we would have liked. And to be honest it was until later that we thought about turning the stall around and using it as a mixture of sales and of tombola.

HOWEVER we won't give up...

We have decided that we will find another market event and do a gift and tombola stall. We learnt a lesson today, so hopefully we will be able to build up the Charity Pot.

I do know the amount raised, but there will be only one Raffle Gnome given out. I will be giving Chris one of her gnomes back as she has other folks that have donated money and are wanting one.

I will e-mail Chris in the morning and tell her the amount raised, and update folks either at class, or through e-mail. ( Through Chris's wishes).

All I can say is thank you once more for the kind donations, and we will try our very best in the next couple of weeks to get more.

Oh and Diane, I know we don't have a picture up yet, trust me we have been trying, hence the wait for this post, but for some reason the phones software is 'reading' properly, whatever that is, and tell your lovely husband thank you for moving my car safely :) - We will get a picture of you to send to Austraila asap.

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