Saturday, 23 January 2010

Granny Square Tutorial

Basic Granny Square - there are many designs to the Granny Square, and you can add as many colours as you like. They can be large or small.

These instructions are work in the SPACE not stitch, and are formed in 3 post clusters of DC.

Cast on 6 chains

Then join both ends to form a circle,

Chain three, then in the SPACE (inner part of the circle), DC 2 times, the ch3 is the first post to the cluster.

Chain 1 - this is the part that makes the first 'corner' to the square.

Continue around the circle and do an additional 3 cluster with a chain 1 inbetween each cluster of three -

In the above picture you can see 3 clusters with the chain1 between,

Once you have done the fourth cluster, you need to join the circle, put hook into the top stitch of the original ch3 post and slip stitch

This completes the first round.

Second Round - chain3

We now work slightly backwards - place hook into the last corner space formed and DC twice = cluster

This forms HALF of the first corner

Put hook into next corner space and do a 3 post cluster of DC

Chain 2 - you will throughout the pattern ALWAYS do 2 chains at the corner - this will keep the tension of the square right.

On the 'straight' of the square you DO NOT put any chains.

Then to finish the corner stitch DC x 3

Continue to work DC x 3 - Chain 2 - DC x 3 around each corner space.

When you come back to the first cluster that waas made, make another cluster DC x 3 then chain 2 -

To join slip stitch in the 3rd stitch of the chain post you first made

Congratualations you have now finished the 2nd round.

Third Round

Chain 3 and Dc x 2 into the last corner space made ( as before)

Then place hook into the first space along (straight) WITHOUT and chain stitches and do DC x 3

Do not add any chains, then work into the next corner space and work corner clusters as above

Continue around square - single clusters on the straight spaces, and two clusters + 2 chain stitches to form the corner.

Join round as above instructions - 3rd Round finshed.

I usually only do 6 rounds maximum and then join to make a larger square.

But you don't have to stick to the rules, you can keep going until desired size.

To join in a new colour, break off yarn after you have joined a round, then start the next round as usual but start with a new colour on the 3 chain stage and then contiue around.

Remember NOT too add any additional chains between clusters as this will spoil your tension of the square.

Good Luck

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